"Champagne?!? What is there to celebrate?
-The Doc
SEP. 18 - 2010 Squamish Garage Sailing Circuit: Week 15-16
Week 16 - September 18
Summary: Okay, today marks one of the best (read, mostly illogical, and, moreover, completely futile when battling my honed Garage Sailing Negotiation Tactics ... ) responses I have ever received to one of my initial bartering offers.
I picked up this novel, read the back and decided it might be a fun read. Now, given my extensive Garage Sailing experience, I can assure you that books at yard sales generally go for a quarter, or possibly 50 cents, or, if it's a hardback, maybe a dollar. But this one was marked up to an absurd two dollar price point. There was also a scarf I like, initially priced at a dollar. So I made an offer of the two for a buck.
The proprietor looked a little taken aback, and after gathering her composure, made this point: "But ... that's a really good book!"
Really? Your counter offer is "That is a really good book!" ? No offense (a statement which, in itself, inherently insinuates that, according to my calculations, you're a doorknob, and as such carries a built-in implication of offense ... ), but this is a garage sale, not the NHL draft.
My counter offer was "OK. I'll go get it at the library."
So, then I gave her my loonie and left with my book and scarf.
I am assuming that, if this book sucks, I can take it back back to her, and request a refund ...
The tally:
- Gold picture frame for my post-modern, Euro-chic, French Provincial themed bedroom ($2)
- Scarf and book ($1 cents)
Total: $3
Week 15 - Sep 11
Summary: We're definately coming down to the end of the season. Good thing my Garage Sailing Partner-in-Crime's sister was having a sale this week ...
The tally:
- Kettle, grater, organic cotton tee ($5)
- Vaccuum attachment (25 cents)
- Mini crib board with metal pegs (free - well, I weasled it into one of Kirsten's deal piles, and got away with it ... )
Total: $5.25
In case you are wondering, I somehow managed to destroy my last kettle, while, uh ... boiling water. I use the adverb/emphatic "somehow" as though I am surprised and wondrous at this kitchen calamity.
I am not.
Nor should you be.