"Champagne?!? What is there to celebrate?
-The Doc
JUN. 4 | 2011 Squamish Garage Sailing Circuit: Week 4
Summary: We've really settled into Garage Sailing season now. There's plenty to choose from, and we are even starting to miss a few sales due to time constraints. And I know what you are thinking ... "Seriously, you live in a hippie town smaller than most universities. How many garage sales could there possibly be on even the busiest weekend, that you can't get to them all?" Okay, well ... you are probably actually thinking "Why am I reading this?" And maybe also "I wonder what's for lunch?" And in all likelihood there is also something of a sexual nature. I'm just saying.
But to answer your first, pressing question, I know right?
Let me explain: Garage sales in Squamish adhere to a strict Saturday-only-nine-to-noon policy. The Garage Sailing Circuit, like Cinderella, apparently turns into a pumpkin at 12 noon on Saturday. There seems to be a local belief that if an item isn't sold before the clock strikes twelve, that any attempt to continue falls into the category of pure futility.
The upside for us avid Garage Sailors, is that this conviction is so pervasive, that at noon "FREE" signs magically appear in the middle of piles of unsold articles left on otherwise empty driveways.
Lucky for me - The Find of the Week fell into this post-lunch-nothing-will-sell-all-of-the-sudden-I-am-not-so-attached-to-Grandma's-ceramic-donkey-collection-just-put-a-free-sign-out-because-I-don't-want-to-drag-this-junk-to-the-thrift-store-I-can't-believe-I-rejected-that-guy's-offer-to-buy-the-entire-collection-for-a-toonie category.
I've been looking for a clay pot with a lid to put on my kitchen countertop for compost scraps. And when we pulled up to an abandoned garage sale at, no joke, 12:10 pm, there it was, this awesome glazed pot, gleaming in the sunlight, still boasting its previous exorbitant $4 price tag.
I did find something else in the pile next to the compost pot, that I've been looking for for awhile, but I am incapable of talking about it with a straight face. And no, I am not talking about an electric lady-business shaver. (Pay attention, I found one last year, remember? What? It was NEW, in the package, okay? Geez.) I like to buy my honey at the farmer's market from the local bee guy. But the jars are those dumb jam jars that have those lids that split apart, and then that thin piece gets stuck to the top of the jar and you break your nails trying to pry it off and everything ends up sticky, and I hate sticky ... okay, fine. I am stalling. Yes. Yes, I was looking for ... a ... honey ... pot.
Giggle. Honey pot.
The tally:
- Photo album and refill pages - $0.50
- 2 CDs (Macy Gray and Deana Carter) - $1
- 4 books - $1
- Green long sleeve shirt - $0.25
- 2 Ikea ceramic pots - $0.50
- Reusable bag and 2 old glass bottles - $1
- Ummm. Honey. Pot. - Free
- Compost pot - Free
Total: $4.25