Rainy days and reconstruction
If you've never noticed – all six of you out there whose work doesn't block questionable internet content – sometimes I disappear.
"Champagne?!? What is there to celebrate?
-The Doc
01.NOV.2015: Ottawa, Ontario19.MAY.2014: Mannheim, Germany02.MAR.2014: Middle of Nowhere, Germany01.FEB.2014: Sochi, Russia
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
All Russians Love Birch Trees by Olga Grjasnowa
If you've never noticed – all six of you out there whose work doesn't block questionable internet content – sometimes I disappear.
Last week I went to Victoria as a representative of the Act Now BC Athlete Ambassador Team to be part of the
B.C. Journée de la Francophonie, since their theme this year was "Sports and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games."
The event was held at the Legislature and one of the agenda items, apparently, included having an Anglophone development athlete in an obscure sport give a speech. To a group of Francophones. En Français.