Error message

Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/vhosts/


Leaving the nest ...

  • Posted on: 24 June 2006
  • By: Michelle

Well, I am moving up in the world of flight instructing: Yesterday I soloed my first student.

I had been well trained by the other instructors in the art of pacing the length of our tarmac, radio in hand, from one side of the building (to watch the downwind leg of the pattern) to the other side of the building (to hold my breath and wait for them to pop back into my sight as they make the turn from base to final).


JUN. 7 | How 'bout try not to die?

  • Posted on: 9 June 2011
  • By: Michelle

For some reason, every time I go to a little airport and ask someone there to let me a fly a plane, they say yes. I used to think it was because of my stunning good looks and charming sense of humour, or at the very least because I appear to be mildly competent. But now I am pretty sure it is because of the exorbitant amount of money that they request, and which I obligingly pay.



MAR. 18 | So THAT'S how you calculate the required visibility for an ILS approach at your alternate when the runway has RVR.

  • Posted on: 18 March 2009
  • By: Michelle

One of the pains in converting my American pilot licenSes to Canadian licenCes has been trying to find preparatory information to help me study for the Transport Canada exams I have to pass. Unfortunately, there is no standard guide outlining the differences between US and Canadian aviation practices. The best I could find was the description of one of the exams I had to write: "The examination consists of questions on differences between American and Canadian procedures for IFR flight."

Not helpful.
